Effective Leadership (2 Days)

Target audience
Managers, Supervisors, public.

Course Objective
1. To build leadership skill.
2. To know how to motivate and empowering people to reach our goal.
3. To build productive team work and gaining commitment for success.
4. To build a sensitiveness as a human being and apply it as one of the motivational tools keeping the work environment always in productive condition.

Course Content
1. The Meaning of Leadership – understand the good leaders behave
2. Enhanced Communication Skills - knowledge to be a successful leader;
3. Develop Your Team – the way to develop your people so that they become highly-motivated and exceptionally-effective team players;
4. The Power to Motivate People - discover how to inspire people with this vision, and motivate them to give their very best;
5. Creating Winning Ideas/Problem Solving Skills - build a clear and compelling vision of how the future should be, which other people will be inspired to adopt;
6. Getting Things Done - learn the rare skills needed to transform vision into reality (improving the presentation skills);
7. Make everyone do everything – delegating and effective time management
8. Skills to make a decisions - things like risk taking, networking and cross-cultural leadership, move from being a good leader to being a great one.